PSC Arkimede Raised Floor System 1 Inch 25mm Extension

Arkimede Raised Floor System 1 Inch 25mm Extension by PSC

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PSC Arkimede Raised Floor System 1 Inch 25mm Extension for tile stone slabs and decks

This is one component in a system

One Arkimede Raised Floor 1 Inch (25mm) Extension component

Raises deck or floor by 1 Inch (25mm) in combination with other Arkimede components.

  • Easy 1" (25mm) Extension that twists and locks into base or other extensions
  • Combine with a combination of other extensions to bring support head to within an inch of desired height
  • Easy and affordable to create an elevated hard surface area

This is a raised flooring system requiring multiple units dependent on the number of tile/slab/deck sections to support.

This 1" (25mm) extension along with other extension options combine with the Arkimede support head to increase the overall height of the flooring system

Please see other accessories to create a complete installation system.

Make elevating hard surfaces a cinch without breaking the bank

  • Depending on the support head used, the PSC Arkimede system can elevate hard surface material or wood decks.
  • This extension along with other extensions lock into the Arkimede support base with a simple twist.
  • The Arkimede support head for tile, stone or deck in turn locks into either an extension or support base.
  • The installation system can be permanent or temporary.
  • This system does not require adhesives or grout - moisture will escape through the created spacer lines.
  • This system assumes that there is already suitable established drainage (if needed) below elevated floor.
  • Adjustable - each support can be set to a different height to compensate for uneven substrate.
  • Head support assemblies, base units and optional extensions universally lock one piece to the next with a simple twist
  • Raised floors and decks can be elevated or virtually any stable surface.
  • Great for installing flat, traffic-friendly surfaces over sloped areas like a flat roof.

Raised hard surface flooring and decks are now in high demand. Other systems designed to tackle the installation have been either pricey, overly complicated or both. The PSC Arkimede raised flooring system dramatically simplifies the task of elevating hard-surface stone or tile slabs from 1-3/8" (30mm) up to 22" (560mm) above the supporting surface. The proper height can be easily achieved by using the appropriate combination of the adjustable support head in conjunction with three different sizes of extensions (photos below show a few of the numerous possibilities.) The substrate can be uneven and can be virtually any stable surface. Depending upon strength requirements of your flooring structure, additional support units can be situated between the joint supports. The PSC Arkimede raised flooring system makes it easy to create a perfectly level hard surface or deck at the height you want (between 1-3/8" (35mm) and 22" (560mm) elevation.)

Numbered Photos below offer the following configuration examples:

  1. Head Assembly only - Support head, Threaded Adjustment Ring and Base allow adjustable height from 1-3/8" (35mm) to 2-3/8" (60mm)
  2. Head Assembly plus one 25mm spacer - Combination allows adjustable height from 2-3/8" (60mm) to 3-3/8" (85mm)
  3. Head Assembly plus one 50mm spacer - Combination allows adjustable height from 3-3/8" (85mm) to 4-3/8" (110mm)
  4. Head Assembly plus one 100mm spacer - Combination allows adjustable height from 5-3/8" (135mm) to 6-3/8" (160mm)
  5. Head Assembly plus one 25mm and one 50mm spacer - Combination allows adjustable height from 4-3/8" (110mm) to 5-3/8" (135mm)
  6. Max Height Setup - Head Assembly plus five 100mm spacers- Combination allows adjustable height from 21" (535mm) to 22" (560mm)

There are numerous other combinations possible to achieve the height range you require.

1_PSC_Arkimede_Support_Head_Tile_4mm.jpg 2_PSC_Arkimede_Support_Head_Tile_Plus_25mm_Ext.jpg 3_PSC_Arkimede_Support_Head_Tile_Plus_50mm_Ext.jpg 4_PSC_Arkimede_Support_Head_Tile_Plus_100mm_Ext.jpg 5_PSC_Arkimede_Support_Head_Tile_Plus_2x50mm_Ext_2.jpg 6_PSC_Arkimede_Support_Head_Tile_Plus_5x100mm_Ext.jpg PSC_Arkimede_Anti-Noise_Rubber_Top_Shim_Caption.jpg PSC_Arkimede_Anti-Noise_Rubber_Bottom_Shim_Caption_2.jpg PSC_Arkimede_Install_Rendering.jpg


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